Muscle Fitness Nutrition Anabolic Mass Gainer

  • ID : MNF-002

- IN Stock

Provide a convenient way to consume a large number of calories in a single serving, making it easier for individuals to meet their daily calorie and macronutrient requirements for muscle building and weight gain goals

  • Type : Supplement
  • Flavours : Chocolate, Kulfi, Vanilla, Banana, Strawberry
  • Brand : Muscle Fitness Nutrition

Nutritional supplement designed to help individuals, particularly athletes, bodybuilders, or those struggling to gain weight, increase their calorie intake and promote muscle growth. These supplements typically contain a blend of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and sometimes additional vitamins and minerals, all in a convenient powder form that can be mixed with water or milk to create a high-calorie shake. It provide a convenient way to consume a large number of calories in a single serving, making it easier for individuals to meet their daily calorie and macronutrient requirements for muscle building and weight gain goals.